Monday, December 3, 2007

Chipping away

I was writing deathless prose this afternoon when I began feeling a rough edge with my tongue against a front tooth. A glance in the mirror, and I could easily see a chipped tooth. How can one lose a piece of tooth sitting in front of a computer tapping on keys?

I'll see the dentist in the morning. I don't know what is done about chipped teeth, especially on the front ones right under my upper lip. I think we take a dab of super glue and attach a piece of porcelain. Or maybe we chop it down to the gum and put a spacer there. Or, my favorite solution...We cover the bad tooth with a gold plate. That would give me a rakish look. He'll probably polish it down so I won't cut my tongue and send me on my way with a chipped-tooth grin.

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